Sunday, November 27, 2011

Attention 7th Graders

Calling all 7th graders throughout Chester County! Come to the YMCA today and sign up for your FREE Membership! To activate your membership, bring your school ID, roster or report card and a parent or guardian with you to the YMCA. Visit the YMCA of the Brandywine Valley website for more information.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chinese Exchange Students

The School Board just approved Monday to again allow Chinese exchange students to visit the middle school in January/February 2012.  They will only be visiting for one week.  They have a lot of interest in China to visit Patton, therefore will be looking to accommodate up to 25 students for the week of January 23, and 30 students for the week of January 30. With that in mind we will be looking for host families to host the students.  Each Chinese student will be paying a $200 stipend to each host family.  This is to help cover additional costs for food and travel. In exchange, we will be looking for any middle school students who have an interest in visiting the Xishan School during our Spring Break.  We will host a meeting for interested students to travel to China in December. Please email Bruce Vosburgh - or Jim Fulginiti - if you are interested in being a host family as well as if you have an interest in Visiting China in April.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Visit the CCTCHS

Attention parents of 8th graders! Please remind your children to see Mrs. Thacher in the Guidance office if they are interested in taking the tour of the Chester County Technical College High School on Friday, December 2, 2011 (please note this is a new date!) from 7:45 am to 11:00 am. On That day they will have the opportunity to participate in three different programs at CCTCHS. To be included on this trip they must sign up in the Guidance Office and select the programs they want to attend.  Also, they will need to return the signed parent permission slip and medical form No later than Wednesday, November 23, 2011 to Mrs. Thacher in the Guidance Office. They can come down to the Guidance Office to sign up whenever they have a chance----before or during prime time, before or after lunch or at Basic. Thank you!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Recycling at CFPMS

We have been collecting toner from printers for recycling for over 3 years. This year our recycling company is accepting iPods and digital cameras. If you have any items to donate to our recycling effort please drop them in the box in the front lobby of our school or place them in Mrs Robin Martin's mailbox. The school receives "points" for our recycling contributions and, in the past, has been able to purchase digital cameras, camcorders and other materials. Please help us to recycle and collectpoint for more equipment for our school.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Important SAM Reminder

To accurately reflect a student's grade, any assignment that is not turned will have a zero in the space. If the space had a blank for the assignment whether allowed to be made-up or not, the average would reflect a higher grade than is actually the situation. The zero will allow the proper grade average to be reflected. Based on legitimate individual circumstances, the assignment may be one that will be accepted and when made-up will have a change in grade and average eventually reflected. Thank you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Order Your SpiritWear!

Show your school spirit and purchase spirit wear for yourself and your students! All items feature a Unionville logo and come in adult sizes ranging from small to extra large. Available items include sweatpants, hoodies, lacrosse shorts, running shorts, pinnies, long-sleeve t-shirts, jackets, and flannel pj pants. Use the order form here to order. Instructions for ordering are included on the order form. The deadline for ordering is OCTOBER 14. Late orders will not be accepted. Forms will also be available in the front office.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Career Day 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011 was Career Day for students at Patton MS. Over 50 professionals came to school to share their experiences with the students. Artists, Engineers, Police Officers, Principals, Lawyers, Teachers, Chemists, and Veterinarians (just to name a few) were in the school to talk about their job and take questions from students. Students were allowed to choose 4 professions and visited with them for 25 minutes. The learned about the education required to get the job and what a day in the life is like. Many thanks to all parents and community members who came out to support such a wonderful learning opportunity for students. Mark your calendars for June 1, 2012 if you would like to join the fun next year!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The FCS Greenhouse!

Save money, get fresh vegetables and help others in need this summer! This past fall, the Family and Consumer Science program at CFPMS built 16 raised beds and constructed a greenhouse all with grant monies obtained by the FCS department. The beds will be planted in the coming weeks, but when summer comes we will need YOUR help to maintain them and get us ready for this coming school year.  Adopt our Garden Beds for a week or more and help us water, harvest and deliver to the Food Bank.  It is a win-win proposition for all. Work with your families while helping those who are less fortunate!! For more information please contact Kim Hisler or Betsy Ballard at or

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

UCFEF Fundraiser

The Unionville Chadds Ford Education Foundation invites you to a Spring Jewelry Show on Friday, March 4th from 12:00-2:00 pm or 6:30-8:30 p.m. Please join us for our fund raising event on March 4th and enjoy an evening of jewelry, food, friends, and fun!  30% of all sales will go directly to the Unionville-Chadds Ford Education Foundation! The goal of the Unionville-Chadds Ford Education Foundation is to enhance educational opportunities for our children.  We are a non-profit, parent-run organization staffed entirely by volunteers.  Now in our 13th year, we are extremely proud of the many educational projects the foundation has helped fund that were otherwise not within the school budget.  Please check out our website at for more information.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fundraiser Thank You

THANK YOU, THANK YOU AND THANK YOU to all who came out and braved the cold to join us at our Chik Fil A night fund raiser on December 14th.   Thank you for your supporting your PTO!  Unfortunately, the cow got caught in traffic and promises us that he will come back next time to say hello to the students. We will plan another Chik Fil A night when the weather get's a little warmer!