Sunday, August 28, 2016

Foreign Language Club

Join in the fun with After-School Foreign Language Club. "Monolingualism is the illiteracy of the 21st Century!" says Time Magazine. Don't be left behind; register today! Learn about a foreign culture and its language through Patton's own After School Foreign Language Club. Please check out attached flyer for more information and the registration form. REGISTRATION DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 30TH!

First PTO Meeting!

The Patton PTO invites you to joins us Thursday, September 1st at 9:15 in the small cafeteria for a light breakfast. Don’t miss out on hearing first hand on what is new and  what the new school year will bring for  Patton Middle School Students  from Principal Tim Hoffman.  There will also be a chance to meet and hear from the new Vice Principal Devin Layton. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Patton Picnic!

The Charles F. Patton Middle School Administration and the PTO invite you to …The Patton
Picnic! The picnic is Wednesday, August 24th from 6:30pm – 8pm @ Patton back parking lot/picnic area. It's open to all incoming 6th Grade families and families new to UCFSD. Pizza, snacks, beverages & dessert will be provided.Bring blankets, chairs, Frisbees, and anything else for outdoor fun! Click here for an informational flyer!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Volunteer Spots Still Open!

Getting involved in the PTO is a great way to meet others and to see what's going on at Patton MS!
Looking for a volunteer job that you can do from home?  We need a volunteer for Box Tops!  Simply collect, count and report. For a descriptions of PTO committees, click here - there is something for everyone! Contact Lynda Nadin at