Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Patton Forensics Teams
The Patton Middle School Speech and Debate teams demonstrated strong performances in yesterday's Chester County Forensics Tournament. These are some of the highlights of the day's events: In speech events, Jace Bridges placed 2nd in prose, Iain Duncan, placed 3rd in Discussion and Abhay Malik was awarded an individual Honorable Mention ribbon and a team 1st place ribbon for his contributions in Discussion. Additionally, Ethan Pan received honorable mention in original oratory as did Caroline Kenton for her extemp speeches. In debate, individual speaker awards were given to the following students: Honorable Mention ribbons to Caldon Driscoll and David DeMarco, 3rd place to Dana Homer, and 1st place to Jessica Liu. Also, we are very proud of the debate team of Dana Homer and Jessica Liu, who after four rounds of debate, took first place overall in the tournament and received trophies for the efforts. Congratulations to all of Patton's Forensic Team members for an outstanding job!