Monday, October 19, 2015

Box Tops Collection UPDATE!

Just a reminder! December 23rd is the last day of school before winter break, is a deadline to hand in Box Tops to the main office. Only Box Tops with a date after December 30 may be submitted. Please remember to write the advisory teacher's name on the collection sheets, bag or envelope and try to separate the Box Tops into groups of 50. Patton Middle School families submitted 2,241 Box Tops by the October deadline, earning $224.10. Added to the $352.90 worth of Box Tops submitted over the summer, we are nearly halfway toward the $1200 goal for this academic year!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Parent Drop-off / Pick-up

Please be reminded to follow the procedures established for picking up and dropping off your son/daughter at the middle school. The purpose of our procedures are Priority One - SAFETY and number two, efficiency. The route 82 side of the building, our current main entrance, is a BUS ONLY lane and is a one way, south to north flow for buses. PLEASE avoid using this lane. There have been occasions when drivers have come the opposite direction, let alone, used the area at all. We have had some close calls! Remember to drop off at the “greenhouse” area or cafeteria area in the morning - exiting back onto route 82. Access Road off of Doe Run road is IN only in the morning. Pick up can occur in the same two locations, but remember the “greenhouse” area traffic does move until buses roll at 2:30. Access road to Doe Run road off the cafeteria  is EXIT only in the afternoon and is continual flow. Thank you for your continued cooperation with this important issue.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Parent Visitation Day

Parent Visitation Day is next Wednesday, October 21! We are very happy to have you visiting our classrooms -- we are proud of our many teachers and support staff!! Visitation times are from 7:35 AM until 1:42 PM. Check this informational flyer for more information!

Patton Wins FundRun Contest!

Patton Middle School was honored last week at an awards ceremony hosted by the Kennett Run as a Kennett FundRun winning school.  Patton had the most students and staff members registered for this year’s Kennett Run out of all UCFSD schools, with 11 runners participating.  Patton PTO was awarded $250 prize at the ceremony. Go Patton! For more information about the Kennett Run, click here.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sixth Grade Mixer

Hey Sixth Grade!! You're invited to the first 6th grade mixer of the year! Next Friday from 2:30-4:30 PM. Wear your spirit wear or purple/gold -- it's a Patton Spirit theme! There will be music, games, food and fun! Purchase your tickets for $5 during lunch all next week!! Need SPIRITWEAR for the Mixer? The PTO will be selling spiritwear at lunches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week! Get yours today!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Social Media Presentation

Patton technology teachers Brian Marshall and John Walsh presented "Social Media, Internet Safety and Your Middle Schooler" at the PTO meeting on October 1. If you were not able to attend the meeting, check out the presentation and resources here. And make sure to visit the Common Sense Media website for some more, excellent resources. Like this week's featured article - What Should Parents Know About Instagram?

Friday, October 2, 2015

Patton Book Fair

The PTO Book Fair will be held in the Patton library from October 14th until October 21st. We need parent volunteers to help make the fair a success!  Please use this link to sign up to work a shift! Please note that 6th grade students will visit the fair with their Literacy classes and 7th and 8th grade students will visit with their English classes!

Coin Drive Challenge!

The Coin Drive Challenge will be held from October 7 until October 16 for the 7th and 8th grade advisory classes.  Each class will have a jar to bring in as much money as they can (coins and dollars are accepted!).  All of the money collected will be used to purchase books for our library! The advisory class in each grade that collects the most money will win a bagels and juice breakfast!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

UCFSD Directory

Would you like to be included in the UCFSD PTO Directory? If so, complete this form and and enter your information by September 16. You may also do so by logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal and choose the tab "PowerSchool Registration" (This must be done only once per family - not on each child’s registration)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

FOCUS Workshop

Do you wonder if you are a good parent? Do you want to make the best decisions for your family? Do you long to feel more confident in your parenting? Do you want to connect with your child and have a better relationship? Join us for a valuable 4-week workshop on Conscious Parenting. This event is sponsored by the Unionville Chadds Ford Education Foundation and the FOCUS committee.  It is free and open to all parents in the UCFSD community. Come to one, come to all! The workshop runs Tuesdays, October. 6, 13, 20 & 27 from 7:00-8:30 pm. To register, please visit Workshops are being led by PCI Certified Parent Coaches® Sue DeCaro and Erin Taylor, MA.

Friday, September 18, 2015

After-School Language Club!

"Mono-lingualism is the illiteracy of the 21st Century!" says Time Magazine. Don't be left behind register today! Learn about a foreign culture and its language through Patton's own Language Club. Classes start soon so click here for more information and the registration form. Hurry - the registration deadline is September 30!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

SpiritWear Sale!

PATTON HAWKS SPIRIT WEAR SALE: Thurs., Sept. 10th at Curriculum Night! The PTO will kick off the Patton Spirit Wear Sale at Curriculum Night this Thursday, September 10th.  Stop by and see samples of new items available this year!  Cash and checks are accepted for Spirit Wear purchases, or for orders placed at the sale. Go Hawks!!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Back to School Night

Patton's Back to School Night is Thursday, September 10 from 6:30-8:45 PM. We look forward to the opportunity to have you learn more about our school, meet our outstanding teachers and staff, and discover the rigorous curriculum we are proud to offer here! Click here for more information about the evening. Hope to see you then!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Volunteer Clearances

The PA legislature has passed new volunteer clearances rules, addressing school districts' concerns. There are no changes to all currently approved volunteer agreements until July 2016. Two State clearances will be required, but paid for by the State. Here are the volunteer clearance highlights: The definition of a volunteer remains basically the same - there were some concerns that a parent coming into school for a birthday party might need a clearance - not any longer.  The same rules we used in the past for who needs clearances will remain intact. If a parent was already a recognized volunteer last year then they will not have to do anything new until July of next year (2016). Beginning in July of 2016 all volunteers will need 2 PA clearances, but PA will pick up the cost. Also beginning in July of 2016 all volunteers who have lived in PA less than 10 years will require a Federal clearance with fingerprinting. Please see the attached for more information.

Friday, June 12, 2015

8th Grade Celebration!

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to support our 8th graders kids for the EOY event. It was a GREAT night -- we have a new Patton tradition in the making -- students processed from the middle school, cheered along the way by parents, family members and teachers who lined the route and were treated to a wonderful night of fun, food and dancing at UHS. A special thank you to the wonderful group of 8th grade parents who worked tirelessly to give our kids a night to remember!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Staff Appreciation Luncheon

It's official!! The Patton PTO is the most awesome PTO in the world! On Thursday, our fabulous PTO treated staff to the annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon. Patton staff members were treated to a wide variety of delicious salads, sandwiches, pasta, veggies, fruits and yummy desserts and more. There was so much food there was even leftovers for Friday, too! Many, many thanks to our PTO from all the Patton staff for a wonderfully delectable day!

Friday, May 29, 2015

8th Grade EOY Celebration!

More than half of the class is attending the Eight Grade End-of-Year Celebration!! But we’d like to get everyone there.  So Eighth Grade End-of-Year Celebration ticket sales have been extended to THIS FRIDAY, June 5th. This is the final extension. It is a catered dinner requiring a final count. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. To register, fill out this form and send in $25, cash or a check made payable to the CFPMS PTO.  It can be turned into the front office. We need help to make this night special for this great class. Parents, please use this link to volunteer to help or donate supplies. The decorating committee is looking for LOTS of white or blue Christmas tree lights and fake trees. They can be dropped off at the Patton security desk. If you are still not sure what the 8th Grade End-of-Year Celebration is, there will be a sit down dinner, a DJ, photo booth, photographer, candy bar, water ice and more. This event is exclusively for Patton eight graders. It’s on THURSDAY, JUNE 11th.  Drop-off at Patton’s Gym from 5:15-5:30.  The class will walk over to the High School at 5:45.  We’re asking parent and friends to stay and line the path from the Middle School to the High School to help welcome UHS’s Class of 2019.  Pick-up is 9:30 at the UHS Cafeteria. Please let either Patte Heldt ( or me know if you have any questions about the event.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Boxtops Deadline!

Friday, May 22, is the last day to submit Box Tops to be counted toward the Box Tops for Breakfast Challenge! The winning advisory classes will be announced on Monday, June 1. Here are the current totals. In 8th grade, Ms. Quinn's advisory has 240 Box Tops; Mr. Kropp, 346; and Mr. Kelley out in front with 698. In 6th grade, Ms. Ilegenfritz's advisory has submitted 475; Mr. Grawe, 482; and Mrs. Stem's students maintain the lead with 659. The real drama is in 7th grade with Mr O'Rourke's advisory in 2nd place with 810 and Ms. Zielinski's advisory in 1st place with 829! Please remember to place Box Tops in an envelope or plastic baggie, write your advisory teacher's name on it, and place it in the box in the Main Office.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May Art After School

May’s “Art After School” with Mrs. Ferron: Art in the Nature Center! Spend time playing and using your imagination outside. This month we will be fixing up our Art After School creative play village located on the other side of the bridge in the Nature Center. Don’t miss out on making your own nature dwelling and playing in the stream! The club runs Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school until 4:00 and runs May 12-27. Click here to download a registration form,

The Spring Carnival!

Last Friday's Spring Carnival was another HUGE success! A big thank you to our fabulous PTO, led by Luci McClure, Lisa Tascione and Kara Bourdreau for organizing this annual community event. Thanks to all the parent volunteers, the Patton teacher and staff volunteers, the many awesome UHS student volunteers and all of those who made baked goods donations. Thanks to all the advisories for the OUTSTANDING raffle baskets and to Mr. Mawson for organizing. Special thanks to the Patton teachers who stepped up to take a turn in the Dunk Tank along with Mr. Hoffman, Dr. Sanville AND elementary school principals, Mr. Beaver, Mr. Dissinger and Mr. Dutkiewicz. Check out the great photos from the day right here and check back soon for some cool "Inside The Dunk Tank" videos!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Support the Kennett FundRun!

Parents, Teachers & Staff - mark your calendars for Saturday, May 16th and REGISTER today for the 2015 Kennett Run. The Kennett Run is giving back to the Unionville-Chadds Ford schools through the FUNDRUN! Parents, register your student runners though the FUNDRUN button on the website; then designate Patton Middle School under the TEAM drop down. Five dollars from each registered student, teacher or school staff member will be donated back to Patton! Additionally the UCFSD school with the most registered runners (students, teachers or staff) will win an additional monetary prize. All money will be donated to our PTO! Register today at for the FundRun – any of the races count toward your school’s donation (5K, 10K, or 1 mile fun run/walk). Any questions, contact Christien Bass ( – UCFSD FundRun coordinator for the Kennett Run.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Parking Lot Reminders

Please find these words a friendly reminder to avoid parking in the handicapped spots, unless authorized, or any area that has markings such as diagonal lines denoting a no parking area.This applies to front and back of our middle school. We are experiencing some congestion and frustration, especially at the busy start and end to the day. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Patton Spring Carnival!

Come one, come all to the Patton Spring Carnival on May 1 from 2:30 until 7 PM! There will be fun games, great prizes, carnival food and amazing raffle baskets. The Tubs of Fun spinning ride is back and so is the Silly String Arena, Candy Walk, Karaoke, and a special area for kids 8 and under! The Dunk Tank is also back, so get your throwing arm ready to dunk the Patton teachers. AND there will be some elementary school principals in the Dunk Tank, too! (click here for the lineup of all the Dunk Tank participants!!) Tickets are 2 for $1. The Carnival runs from 2:30 to 7pm rain or shine. Don't miss this great Unionville-Chadds Ford Community Event!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

UCFEF Yard Sale

The UCF Education Foundation’s 7th Annual Yard Sale is May 2 from 8:00 am – 12:00pm. Proceeds benefit all UCFSD schools in grants for various events, innovative ideas and cutting edge technology in ALL district schools. Donate to the UCFEF sales tables:
  • Donate items at Unionville Elementary on April 24th and April 29th  and May 1th from 3:30-6:00 pm
  • All donations are tax deductible
  • We need all good condition household items from blenders to treadmills
  • Spring cleaning/donate what you de-clutter from your home
  • Furniture is welcome (pick can be arranged)email
  • We cannot receive clothing donations.
  • You can also rent a table for $25.00
  • Sell your own stuff and keep the proceeds at your own table
  • 7:00 set-up in the Unionville Elementary Cafeteria (lower level downstairs)
  • Indoor only event
  • To rent a table please send a signed rental agreement and a $25.00 check made payable to UCFEF to: Becky Stillman, 1475 Embreeville Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348. For more information about donations or table rental agreement email us at

Carnival Basket Raffle Time!

Spring is just around the corner and that means it's time to start planning for the Patton Spring Carnival Basket Raffle! The Patton Spring Carnival will be held on Friday, May 1st this year from 2:30-7:00 pm. The Carnival is the largest fundraiser for the Patton MS PTO. The PTO uses the profits from the Carnival to fund projects and technology requests, teacher grants, as well as special events throughout the year for the middle school. And THE PATTON CARNIVAL BASKET RAFFLE is the most profitable part of the Carnival event!!! Click here to find out what how it all works and how you can contribute to the basket for your child's Advisory!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

April Art After School!

April's Art After School with Mrs. Ferron is “Pottery - Functional art made with recycled buff colored clay." This month we will start our session by making our own unique clay. By recycling  red and white clay together we can make buff or pink clay! Students will make a set of mugs and a family fruit bowl. All pottery produced at Patton is dinnerware safe, dishwasher safe and oven proof. Classes are Tuesday and Wednesdays after school until 4:00 beginning April 14. Click here for a registration form!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Walk For Water In The News!

Don't forget that the Walk For Water is this Saturday! Registration begins at 8:15 AM and the walk begins at 9 AM. Patton students are changing the world! Read all about it in the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Unionville Times!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Agilent Science Club

The Agilent Science Club for middle school students, held at the high school, will be having its final session Thursday 19 March 2015. The topic of this session will be Solar Cars. Students are to meet in the middle school lobby for a 2:30pm walk over to the high school. Remember, the club activity ends at 4:45 so plan to have your ride their on time for pick-up. Any student who has not participated prior is to have a parent note providing permission for you to attend. No parent permission, no participation. Thank you. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Box Tops March Madness!

March Madness Begins for the Box Tops Breakfast! The month of March has arrived and the madness to win the Box Tops Breakfast continues! Here are the final four in each grade! In sixth grade, Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. Grawe, and Mrs. Ilgenfritz's advisories are in tight battle: Mrs. Armstrong 395; Mr. Grawe 411; and Mrs. Ilgenfritz, 436. Mrs. Stem's advisory continues to lead with 563 Box Tops. For the seventh grade,  Miss French's advisory has submitted 323 Box Tops; Miss Spisak, 411; and Miss Zielinski, 697. Mr. O'Rourke's advisory is in the top spot with 733. Eighth grade has only three advisories with triple digit Box Tops submissions: Miss Quinn with 240; Miss Kropp with 346; and Mr. Kelley with 474. Please remember to put the teacher's name on your Box Tops packages!

Monday, March 2, 2015

March Art After School

This month we will welcome Spring! Students will work with black india ink and bamboo brushes to learn the art of Sumi. Basic Chinese calligraphy will be introduced focusing on proper brush stroke and movement. Additionally students will construct and paint a Japanese Fish Kite. Sessions run Tuesday and Wednesdays after school until 4:00 and the first session is March 10. Click here to download a registration form!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Box Tops Spring Submission

The last day to submit Box Tops for the spring is Wednesday, February 25.  This is NOT the last Box Tops collection for the school year. Box Tops still will be collected through mid-May to determine the Box Tops Breakfast winner for each grade. Please remember to submit Box Tops only with an expiration date of 2015. Box Tops from earlier years cannot be submitted. The person who sorts the Box Tops thanks you in advance!

Monday, February 2, 2015

February Art After School

Come to Mrs. Ferron’s art room 104 after school to hang out with other kids who are fun and artistic like you! The next session begins February 11 and projects for February will begin with a project for Charity! We will be making mini bowls for the Empty Bowl Dinner in Kennett. This event directly benefits the Kennett Food Cupboard. Other projects: Broken glass bottle plates, Spring snow globes and an illustration project using trees as the theme. Click here for more information and a registration form.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Patton's Got Talent!

OK, Kids, you’ve been hearing it from your parents… it’s time to get your act together.  This time, we mean your TALENT ACT!! Come on out and showcase your talent!  Can you sing, dance, play an instrument, do stand-up comedy, or a magic show?  Have you seen America’s Got Talent?!? Well, we think Patton’s Got Talent! It is going to take all kinds of acts to make this a fun evening.  We’ll also need Announcers and a Stage Crew. If you are interested, please complete this form.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

After School Yoga

Did you know that the majority of top athletes use yoga to compliment their sport? Did you know that yoga has been used for centuries to increase balance, strength, flexibility and coordination? Did you know yoga is used to help people reduce stress and increase concentration? We can also tell you, yoga is a lot of fun!! Come join us on Mondays from 2:30-3:30 in the cafeteria starting 2/2/15 for after school yoga. No prior yoga experience is necessary. We just ask that you come with a smile and an open mind. We look forward to seeing you!!! If your son or daughter plans to join us please email: Amy Baram at Please email your son/daughter’s name, grade, parents email address and phone number. Once we know who is joining us we will send out details via email.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Athletic Performance Training

Get ready for spring tryouts or improve your fitness! The YMCA is offering this fun and challenging class incorporating cardio, strength, and plyometric moves to improve overall fitness and athleticism! There is no prior experience needed and the program is open to 6th, 7th & 8th graders. The program will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb 3 - March 12, 2:45-3:45 pm at Patton Middle School. Pre-registration is required as space is limited! To register, please call the Kennett Y at 610-444-9622. You may download an informational flyer here.

Monday, January 19, 2015

MLK Day of Service

For the Martin Luther King Day of Service on January 19, Patton Middle School students worked outside in assisting clean up at Anson B. Nixon Park in Kennett Square. Thank you very much to the students and staff members who took this service opportunity in support of others. Check out these photos from the day!

Patton at UHS Girls Basketball

Attention Students! You are invited to Patton Night at UHS Girls Basketball on February 3 at 6pm at Unionville High School. All middle students are admitted at no charge as long as they show their Patton ID. There will be Chick-fil-A certificates handed out as door prizes on a first come, first served basis. Prior to the start of the varsity game at 7 pm, the 8th grade Patton girls basketball team will be recognized and introduced to their adoring fans!!! So come out and support UHS Girls Basketball and show your Patton Pride!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Patton Night at UHS Basketball

Mark your calendars for Patton Night at the UHS Basketball! Come out to the UHS Boys Basketball home game next Thursday, January 22nd at 7 pm. It's free admission for all Patton students and staff and a special Patton Student section in the stands. Members of the Patton Vocal Ensemble will sing the national anthem to start the game so come out and support UHS Basketball and show your Patton Pride!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Stay In Touch!

There are many ways to stay informed about all the great things happening at Patton! You can keep in touch with us right here on the Patton website or by email through the Hawks eNews or like us on our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter or check out our photos on Instagram!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January Art After School

Art After School's January Session will begin on Tuesday the 13th. Don't miss out on the blizzard of creativity taking place in the art room this month. All projects will have the theme of "Let it snow!" Learn to paint a beautiful gourd snow person, make your own snow globe, sew a sock snowman, and find out how to create professional quality snow flakes. Get your registration form here or pick one up from Mrs. Ferron in the Art room. Registration is due by Monday January 12th.