Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Boxtops Deadline!
Friday, May 22, is the last day to submit Box Tops to be counted toward the Box Tops for Breakfast Challenge! The winning advisory classes will be announced on Monday, June 1. Here are the current totals. In 8th grade, Ms. Quinn's advisory has 240 Box Tops; Mr. Kropp, 346; and Mr. Kelley out in front with 698. In 6th grade, Ms. Ilegenfritz's advisory has submitted 475; Mr. Grawe, 482; and Mrs. Stem's students maintain the lead with 659. The real drama is in 7th grade with Mr O'Rourke's advisory in 2nd place with 810 and Ms. Zielinski's advisory in 1st place with 829! Please remember to place Box Tops in an envelope or plastic baggie, write your advisory teacher's name on it, and place it in the box in the Main Office.