Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Parent Drop-off and Pick-up
Friendly reminder for student drop-off / pick up even as our building renovation continues! In the morning between 7:00 and 7:30am please drop off students at either the cafeteria area or the greenhouse area of the building followed by directly exiting onto route 82. Please do not use the road on the route 82 side of the building as this is a bus lane only for thru traffic. Additionally, the access road off of Doe Run road is “in only” in the morning. Please do not drop off students while on the access road as this creates pedestrian traffic in the area of all the moving vehicles. Please wait until next to the building to drop off students. The afternoon pick-up has the access road off Doe Run as an “out only” road. Please refrain from picking up students at the route 82 entrance between 2:00 and 2:30pm as buses line up for dismissal in that area. As always, thanks for your continued cooperation with this most important safety matter.