Sunday, May 8, 2016
Another Outstanding Carnival!
Thanks to everyone for making the Spring Carnival another huge success! The weather couldn't stop us and everyone in attendance had a great time! A BIG thank you to our fabulous PTO for all their hard work as well as the many parent, Patton staff and UHS student volunteers (and so proud of those many former Hawks for giving back!!) Thank you to all the advisories for the great baskets - they were a big hit and the winners went home happy. A special thank you to all the brave dunk tank participants -- it was a little wet and a little cold but it?s always the most popular event. And, an extra special thank you to the Carnival Co-Chairs, Angel Brown, Luci McClure and Lynda Nadin. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU to everyone who attended and supported this year's Carnival!! Check out photos from the event right here.