Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Walk For Water In The News!

Don't forget that the Walk For Water is this Saturday! Registration begins at 8:15 AM and the walk begins at 9 AM. Patton students are changing the world! Read all about it in the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Unionville Times!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Agilent Science Club

The Agilent Science Club for middle school students, held at the high school, will be having its final session Thursday 19 March 2015. The topic of this session will be Solar Cars. Students are to meet in the middle school lobby for a 2:30pm walk over to the high school. Remember, the club activity ends at 4:45 so plan to have your ride their on time for pick-up. Any student who has not participated prior is to have a parent note providing permission for you to attend. No parent permission, no participation. Thank you. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Box Tops March Madness!

March Madness Begins for the Box Tops Breakfast! The month of March has arrived and the madness to win the Box Tops Breakfast continues! Here are the final four in each grade! In sixth grade, Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. Grawe, and Mrs. Ilgenfritz's advisories are in tight battle: Mrs. Armstrong 395; Mr. Grawe 411; and Mrs. Ilgenfritz, 436. Mrs. Stem's advisory continues to lead with 563 Box Tops. For the seventh grade,  Miss French's advisory has submitted 323 Box Tops; Miss Spisak, 411; and Miss Zielinski, 697. Mr. O'Rourke's advisory is in the top spot with 733. Eighth grade has only three advisories with triple digit Box Tops submissions: Miss Quinn with 240; Miss Kropp with 346; and Mr. Kelley with 474. Please remember to put the teacher's name on your Box Tops packages!

Monday, March 2, 2015

March Art After School

This month we will welcome Spring! Students will work with black india ink and bamboo brushes to learn the art of Sumi. Basic Chinese calligraphy will be introduced focusing on proper brush stroke and movement. Additionally students will construct and paint a Japanese Fish Kite. Sessions run Tuesday and Wednesdays after school until 4:00 and the first session is March 10. Click here to download a registration form!