Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mixer Volunteers Needed!

The first Middle School event for our 6th graders will be the traditional 6th Grade Mixer on October 13 from 3-4:30 PM. We need your help to make this year's 6th grade mixer a blast! Parents - please sign up to help make the mixer really fun for the kids. Thank you for your help by signing up through this Signup Genius link.  Food donations should be nut-free and dropped off in the office the day of the mixer, October 13th. Please reach out to Cindy Miller (Cindy.M.Miller@comcast.net) if you have any questions.

Book Fair Volunteers

It’s time to Saddle Up and Read!! We need volunteers to help during the Patton Book Fair, October 20-27. Use this SignUp Genius link to volunteer today!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Learn A New Language!

JOIN AN AFTER SCHOOL FOREIGN LANGUAGE CLASS! REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS THIS FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29TH!! "Monolingualism is the illiteracy of the 21st Century!" says Time Magazine. Interested in learning another language? Want to build on your existing language skills? Don't be left behind; register today! Learn about a foreign culture and its language through Patton's own After School Foreign Language Classes.   Please check the attached link for registration form and further information. If you have any questions, please contact Libby at edeming@ucfsd.net.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kidstuff Coupon Books

The last day to order you coupon book is September 22 so be sure to either pay for or return books by FRIDAY! Fill out the Money Collection Envelope including the edition you are ordering and enclose payment of $25 per book. If purchasing one book, pay $25 and keep the book sent home. Return your completed Money Collection Envelope to your advisory teacher by Friday. If you are not participating, please immediately return the book in a bag labeled with your child’s name to the school. This is NOT A SAMPLE BOOK for you to keep if not participating! If you have any questions please contact: Kim Asarta by email: kasarta@gmail.com.

Volunteer for the PTO!

Please consider volunteering for one of the PTO events. We already have chairs in place we need volunteers that would like to help out the day of the event. If you are interested in volunteering for any Patton Middle School activity please click on this link, fill out the form, and send it to the school in an envelope marked PTO.  For more details about our events click PTO on the Patton website. Currently we are looking for a co-chair to help organize  the student Talent Show in April.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Picture Day is Friday!

PICTURE DAY— THIS FRIDAY!! Can you help us out?  We have early shift spots still open on Friday for picture day! We really need your help to make this a smooth running day— sign up today using this SignUp Genius link!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Dine & Donate for Houston

Click here for information on a great Dine & Donate event that can help those in Houston affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Volunteer for Picture Day!

Picture day is on Friday, Sept 15th and the photographers and nurses need your assistance to gather information and organize students. Sign up right here today!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

First PTO Meeting

The Patton PTO invites you to joins us Thursday, September 7th at 9:15 AM in the small cafeteria for a light breakfast. Don’t miss out on hearing first hand on what is new and what the new school year will bring for Patton Middle School students from the new Principal Mr. Dissinger. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.

Patton Spiritwear Sale!

The PTO will kick off the Patton Spiritwear Sale at Back to School Night on Thursday, September 7.  Stop by and see samples of great items available this year!  Cash and checks are accepted for Spiritwear purchases, or for orders placed at the sale. Go Hawks!!